Sunday 21 August 2011

2 more weeks have gone....


It is raining heavily today in Toronto. Enough of bright sunlight and it seems that weather will take a U turn soon. 2 more weeks have gone and I am still wondering if my decision to take MBA at this juncture of my life is well justified or not. I hope that return of investment will be at its par.

First week of pre course started with business math and spreadsheet modeling courses. Math is my favorite subject but I have learnt relating a simple line equation (y=mx+c) to real business problem. This is what we all have to master in due course.  After my high school we (me and my friends) all thought that probability is gone but it has come back like a haunted witch. Spreadsheet modeling course was to understand pure excel techniques and its usage in data analysis.

Second week started with Foundation of Accounting, Spreadsheet modeling level II and Communication skills / boot camp. First time after so many years I got a hang to sit in a class continuously for 8 hours. It is very difficult to concentrate even after two Starbucks (Grande) shots. Accounting course was taught in a very simple manner and it is all about relating everything to business problems.  I was scolding myself for not taking accounting course earlier in my high school. It is such an integral part of life and is used every day. Spreadsheet modeling level II is about using excel to model raw data and give it a meaningful state. Boot camp was a glimpse of real life at Rotman MBA. It is how to communicate, how to crack a case, how to present and how to de-stress? Most important tip in a case is not what to read but what not to read?

I got a chance to meet my Canadian classmates in these courses. Rotman has selected great bunch of people and there is a lot to learn from everyone. I have learnt that my classmates are not my competitors but they are knowledge resources and I can learn a lot from each of them.

This week ended with my trip to Wasaga Beach ( It is very good beach with about 70 minute drive from City. The road known as Airport road is very picturesque and worth driving. My agony started when I had to sit in back seat in the car. I have been driving a car for last 16 years but unable to drive here in Canada. I have decided to give G1 test (for license in Canada) as soon as possible. I don’t know how much more time will it take for me to be in driver’s seat again.

Week 3 will start from tomorrow and then Orientation days following by orientation camp. This reminds me that I have to find a sleeping bag for me. Couple of things before I forget, first is about my social status which I mentioned in my last blog. I gifted HTC Panache 4G to solace myself. Second is that I got my first Canadian credit card so now I have to concentrate on my credit history.

Time to dose off…. Thanks for your time for stopping by. 

1 comment:

  1. Like! (No like button on yo blog though :P) Have fun! Love maths <3
